We are sung into existence

My Birth Day

I believe we are sung into existence. I’ve felt that since I was a child; each newborn birthed in perfection, knowing everything, holding all the creation keys and codes within. A perfect seed transported from the stars.

Our well-meaning families, cultures, and friends influence and mold us, inadvertently asking us to define and limit those innate powers with which we were born.

What if we could return to that original state? What if we could reclaim our power using sound?

Hey, what if I could return to that very moment to rebirth myself as my sound wave signature, to remember who I truly am, who I’ve always been, and what I’m meant to Be?

I recently returned around the Sun to the silver age of sixty-four. The Beatles song meandered in my head and heart for weeks preceding… “When I get older, will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?”

Birthday eve arrives. I enter Dreamtime. In the ambrosial hours I hear a special call. An inner voice inside my heart says, “Go hold your baby bracelet.”

It’s the original bracelet placed upon my wrist when I was born - a tiny pink beaded bracelet and I know exactly where it is - in the antique vanity drawer.

I spy the clock. It’s 4:11am. Handwritten on the bracelet, “Baby Girl Schultz. Born 4:58am, Mother Eva Schultz”. I twirl the tiny square alphabet letter beads spelling my last name. *S*C*H*U*L*T*Z*

Still deep in my inner knowing, I hear clearly, “Remember who you are. You are Love’s child conceived and birthed as pure perfection.

I cradle my bracelet to re-embody the perfect signature sound vibration moving through it. This is my wake up call.

What a miraculous opportunity to release traumas, old and new. Wounds up and down ancestral lines in many forms, known and unknown. To reclaim my open heart with grace and ease. To be reborn as the original work of art I AM.

A tea candle lit diffuses Frankincense and Myrrh. It’s sweet aroma awakens and evokes. Deaths and births. Waves of sound from voice and instruments. Aromas and poetic words pouring forth from deep within. Rocks and crystals speak to share their wisdom.

I call in help from my Source tribe.

Unicorns and elementals
Grateful to be alive
Magyar flyers
Faith outliers
A Giant
On Love I am reliant from within
Rebirth me as a miracle
Without and so within
Sung into existence by the music of the spheres
Bathe in and soak up that inner knowing
My radiant heart is glowing in the Sun
Forever young
Pair of birdies coo
Take out all the stops
Who? How? What?
Come what may
A courageous woman
I am brave
Ashes from the fire
The cauldron churns into sacred urns of flesh and blood
In a physical body buoyed upon the flood
I am a creator god. Divinity at birth
Of the Stars and of the Seeds
A child of Mother Earth.

Listen to my inner wisdom. Hear the call of sound. Bring me present in this breath, nestled like a newborn child, cradled and ever blessed.
Unwind. Unwind the sands of time.
Miracles abound on sultry waves of sound.

Reflect and recognize, no matter where you are. You are born of sound in pure perfection. Let sound be an inner guide as you live and love with clear intention. Take baby steps. Begin with self, then share it with the world.

And please remember how much I love you.

Be in Bliss.

Love, Pamela

I Have a Gift For You! A Complimentary 20-minute Chakra Session!

Read some beautiful Success Stories on how sound can release and amplify ones joy.

Visit my Sound Experiences page to schedule your Sound Healing sessions and finally release past traumas that have been holding you back from living an awakened life.


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