Turn Fear Into Fun

Take Baby Steps

Transmute the rigidness of fear into the fluidity of fun.

I remember as a child being terrified to swim. The pool was so inviting. I wished I could be like a fish and dive right in. My dad would coax me to the edge. Then he’d lift me up into the water inviting me to clasp my little legs around his body. Take a deep breath. Plunge into the unknown. Hold on for dear life. We dove deep into the pool like a masterful, playful dolphin into the vastness of shimmery aquamarine water.

Swimming lessons were bittersweet. Safety floats off. Clinging to the wall. “I can do this!”, a strong belief surging like The Little Engine That Could. As I learned to dunk my tiny head into the cool blue waters and scissor kick my little feet, I would clutch my dad or sister, Robin, for strength, a breakneck grip around their shoulders. Trust that I am safe.

Look at me. I can bob and weave and float. Dip my face in, blow bubbles. Breathe. Blow more bubbles. Kicking legs keep me afloat. Repeat. Learn.

There were two dolphins who played Flipper on television. They lived in nearby Virginia Key. My dad took us to swim with them. I remember my older sister, Robin, was like a fish and jumped right in - no fear. Me, I was too scared; so I looked longingly from the sidelines as they swam and played. I think that was my inspiration to become a strong swimmer so I could partake of the dolphin magic.

Another time on that same Virginia Key, I was pulled into a strong undertow and I thought I might drown or be swept away to Spain in the whirling current. Somewhere from out of nowhere, a wild dolphin appeared. It guided me safely to the sandy shore. Faith whispered in my ear. Call on the dolphins or your family pod of whales and they will always guide you.

Why did I choose, so long ago, to abandon play?

When did fear creep back, causing me to cling to the edge?

Sound soothes. Sound transports. Surf sound waves to regain playfulness, trust, and re-explore the wisdom from within you. Trust the family pod to guide you into greatness as the unique miracle you are.

When we dive within to listen with the heart, we realize in the calm of silence or in the chaos of change, each of us is a unique work of art. Attuned, aligned, balanced, buoyed and safe.

When I listen to my inner voice and inner song, I remember I am free to choose how I wish to be in any moment - jubilant or worried. I can hold my breath in fear or in excitement - the choice is mine.

I now choose to be a pixie full of wonder, full of play, once again.

  • Fill your heart with song on this awakened journey home.

  • Dip a toe into the water. Splash! Swim from the edge. You can do it!

  • Take baby steps. Then bigger ones.

  • Breathe. Sing. Giggle. Wonder and joy is all around you.

And always remember I love you so much.

Be in Bliss.

Love, Pamela

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