Being Inside A Rainbow

Pi, Phi, and Fibonacci

One of the juicy morsels I mention when introducing my instruments prior to opening a sound circle is that there are gifts we receive on a cellular level from each sound adventure. We experience these gifts, embody them, and then place them in our tool kit at the end of the sound journey.

I know I am an older lady, a wise Crone, who still loves to play. I invite you now to call upon your inner child. I still hula hoop and one of my favorite pastimes is blowing bubbles. Have you ever noticed the rainbow swirls of color spinning round and round as the bubbles bob through the air?

Imagine, if you will, creating a rainbow bubble all around you. In front and behind. Above and below.

You already know that I love the metaphysical stuff. What you may not know is I also love science.

I am sure you’ve heard of the number Pi. It’s the ratio of a circle‘s circumference to its diameter. Often denoted as 3.141592654, in actuality, it goes on forever and is clearly a magical number.

There’s another number you really need to know about. It’s the number Phi. Just like Pi, Phi also goes out into infinity. Approximated to 1.618, it is a ratio obtained when a line segment is divided in a special way–a magical way! Phi is also known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean, Golden Number, or Divine Proportion that accounts for the perfect beauty found in nature. Just like when you drop a pebble in the water, the waves undulate out forever. Long after the the water appears calm and clear, the ripples keep flowing.

Phi, the Golden Ratio, has another interesting companion. The Fibonacci Code, discovered in the year 1175 AD, is the sequence of adding together the two preceding numbers. The sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... Said to be the ”Seed of Life” or the “Seed of Creation”, it’s a ratio of 8:5 - 8 Feminine/5 Masculine. We all have both aspects within.

To give you an example, if you were out in the woods and picked up a pine cone, at the intersection of eight and five is where pine seeds are born. You can see this code in a conch shell and the geometric flower patterns in nature. In fact, if you look at our cells under a microscope, we are made of Fibonacci swirls. It’s the way our mitochondria move up and down the spine.


“The Fibonacci Sequence turns out to be the key to understanding how nature designs… and is… a part of the same ubiquitous music of the spheres that builds harmony into atoms, molecules, crystals, shells, suns and galaxies and makes the Universe sing.”

― Guy Murchie, The Seven Mysteries of Life: An Exploration of Science and Philosophy.


Are you ready to play?

Let’s create a Fibonacci Rainbow Bubble, since the Fibonacci sequence swirls in all of us.

Imagine creating a buoyant rainbow bubble all around you much like a sea animal transports itself safely inside a shell. It’s your creation. Create it as you wish.

Bring your palms together at the heart center. Imagining this rainbow bubble, bring your hands up and out above the head shooting white light out of your fingers, circling around and down and back to the heart. After eight rotations, reverse for five. Starting at the heart center, palms together in prayer pose, move down and out, shooting white light out of your fingers, then circling around and up above the head and back to the heart all the while imagining this Fibonacci rainbow bubble in front and behind, above and below.

This is the gift. My inspiration comes from Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz. Glinda comes floating in, Miss Chill, in this beautiful rainbow bubble, floating into all this crazy chaos. I mean the Wicked Witch of the West is hurling lightning from her fingertips. The Scarecrow’s on fire and the little Munchkins are running for cover in the flowers. Yet, Glinda comes floating peacefully into all the chaos in this beautiful rainbow bubble.

One thing I can promise you, for sure, for sure, for sure, is when the pendulum swings and life seems out of balance, we have the ability to choose how we respond to the chaos. Since we have zero control over when the rum-tum-tum comes, how long it stays, or the form it takes, we can choose how we respond to it.

So when you find yourself in that place of overwhelm, be it the utmost joy or a challenge, call in your rainbow bubble and choose how you wish to navigate the change that is sure to come your way.

And please remember how much I love you.

Be in Bliss.

Love, Pamela

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We are sung into existence


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