The Precious Present

Sensual Knowing is Grounded in Being Present

As I settled on a topic, this quote by Myrko Thum emerged.

“What is the Meaning of the Present Moment? Being in the present moment, or the “here and now,” means that we are aware and mindful of what is happening at this very moment. We are not distracted by ruminations on the past or worries about the future, but centered in the here and now. All of our attention is focused on the present moment.

The present moment is the only thing where there is no time. It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time. Everything that happens, happens in the present moment. Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.” 

Listen. Sound Brings You Present in the Moment.

Sound grounds while it lifts you to surround/cocoon/embrace you as you elevate your consciousness and decant your personal rhythm. Let it breath. Revitalize the inner knowing that resides in every cell. Amplify and tune-in.

Listen to the Silence. Embrace Inner Authenticity. Be Present. Be Free.

Even in silence, there’s a sound symphony that is inherently you, an ambient sense of our authentic self. What may be accomplished? Listening with an open heart illuminates you to the unique work of art you are in this present moment.

Who? What? How? Be Here Now.

Lately, I am inspired by all that is awakening. Humanity is evolving on a massive wave of light and sound to empower all Earth’s life forms to attune, release, and grow from the red root chakra at the base of the spine tethered into the earth’s core unto the crown and up into the great beyond where miracles are woven.

I often take great delight when nearby creatures large and small respond as I perform a Sound Healing. Birds sing, cats cuddle, dogs ears perk, and even ants and insects join the healing songstress dance in swarms without biting.

Be Surprised. Be Delighted in the Present Moment.

This morning, a bright white egg that was purchased from a local farm to partner with my sprouted toast and coffee, held a surprise inside. The white egg from happy, thriving chickens when boiled turned into the most beautiful shade of blue - inside and out. A Robin’s egg blue, the color of the throat chakra. It inspired me to sing, to let my unique voice be heard with all the magic that it brings.

Yes, there’s chaos and distraction where we work, live, and even love. Yet it’s an opportunity to pause and receive the beauty that is the present moment - giving nurture first to ourselves then to gift it to everyone else.

Dear ones, what inner dreams awaken when you travel through your heart. Remember who you truly are, have always been, will be, and are right now in this precious present moment?

Are you ready to be your best self in every moment?

Sometimes that takes a little navigating and sound can be the vessel that takes you there.

Unify. Sing. Paint. Thrive. Grateful to be alive.
Sensual knowing. My inner song is growing.
Hear me swoon. Howl at the moon. 
Amplify your inner tune and please always remember how much I love you.

Be in Bliss.

Love, Pamela

My Gift to You! A Complimentary 20-minute Chakra Session!

Read some beautiful Success Stories on how sound can release and amplify ones joy.

Visit my Sound Experiences page to schedule your Sound Healing sessions and finally release past traumas that have been holding you back from living an awakened life.


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