Petal Power

The sweet and smelly nourishment of flower essences

Dandelion angel puffs on which to make wishes.

A gramma Rose, I’ve never known, except in Spirit.

Since my memory recalls, flowers have always caught my eye and captured my heart for their beauty and their fragrance—most splendid Nature’s art.

Do you remember making daisy chains? Or carefully extracting the stem-like pistil center of Ixora blooms to yield a drop of honey dew, a sweet sip of flower essence magic?

Nature nurtures and nourishes with her flowers who have miraculous healing powers especially when emotions are out of balance. Flower essences rise to meet the challenge.

It was 1984 and we’d just moved to New York City. We rented a flat in Spanish Harlem on the upper West Side near Columbia University. In the first weeks we were still feeling a wee bit off, a bubble off plumb. We pinned it on the change of environment—different water, air, and that NYC energy. It was, in fact, in the air—we were being poisoned by carbon monoxide leaching into our apartment from the furnace on the floor below. 

Several months after moving in, my husband and I planned to meet up in mid-town for an important meeting. Concerned when I didn’t show and wasn’t answering the phone, he sped home to find me gassed out and passed out on our lofted bed. A welder with intuitive presence of mind and tools everywhere, he fed me oxygen from his oxygen tank in the apartment. Rushed by ambulance, I was later told that he had arrived just in the nick of time to save my life. I had reached the maximum carbon dioxide load and had so little oxygen in my body that my skin was grey and my eyes were circled in black. I was given the instructions to simply ‘Wait and See”.

Not one to wait and knowing intuitively that other resources existed, I reached out to an acting school friend who recommended a Chinese herbalist in Upstate New York. Wendy brought in congee fasts, acupuncture, and other alternative healing protocols one of which was flower essences from Bach Flower Remedies of Oak and Aspen. The rosiness returned to my skin, my eyes brightened, and my foggy head cleared. Though it took a while, I lived and thrived and healed.

As a young budding actress and singer, Rescue Remedy was always in my backpack to ease my nerves. And so began my love affair with flower essences who have helped me, my friends, their children, and clients to navigate grief, fear, and change and return to balance.

Recently, my friend and I consulted an Animal Communicator to help with her rescue dog’s anxiety, digestive issues and nerve-wrenching penchant for barking. The animal communicator was fantastic. She introduced me to Green Hope Essences in New Hampshire recommending their Animal Wellness Collections for Rudy and some recommendations for us humans too. 

The power of nature to nurture and nourish is evident everywhere, everyday, through all of our senses. Sound, Smell, Touch, Sight, Taste, and Inner Wisdom. When we choose to listen to our internal rhythms and open ourselves to the power of nature, solutions abound.

Be authentic. Lead from an open heart while you remember that each of us is a unique work of art with our own unique song to sing.

And please always remember that I love you so much.

Be in Bliss.

Love, Pamela

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